Niagra Pills


Niagra pills for Men helps to Improve Performance, Hardness, Stamina, & Libido with a Fast Acting Formula, All Natural Ingredients.


Niagra male enhancement is a herbal alternative, formulated with a scientifically balanced formula of herbs and herbal extracts. Support the blood flow to restore function and to improved your performance in bed. Finally a male enhancement pill formulated to help Men’s Bed Performance.


This male enhancer has been formulated to provide “extra” benefits all men need. Support  SIZE, Hardness, and pleasure for you and your partner. Get the most intense benefits you could have imagined from a natural supplement!


Premium quality and made in New Zealand.


Niagra is scientifically formulated to support blood flow! This unique natural male enhancement gives you the benefits you want WITHOUT a prescription or unwanted side effects. In addition to supporting blood flow, Niagra may help to supports man’s libido.

What is the Dosage?
You should take 1 – 3 pills, before intimacy. Niagra can be taken as a daily supplement of 1 pill for a maximum result.


How many pills per bottle?
Each bottle contains 60 gelatin capsules.


Do I need a prescription?
No, Niagra is 100% herbal, and does not contain any harmful ingredients. You do not require any doctors visits or prescriptions.


Are there any side effects?
Unlike prescription medicines you should experience no unpleasant side effects, however if you are on any medication or have a medical condition check the ingredients with your doctor first. Never take this product if you are allergic to seafood, contains sea cucumber extract.


What are the ingredients?
Niagra has a New and Improved Formula.
Each capsule consists of:

• Black Ginger Extract
• L-Arginine
• Oyster Meat Extract
• Black Pepper Extract


Always read the label and take as directed. If you are on prescription medicines for angina or heart disease, check with your doctor before use.